A brand new NASCAR game is coming; What I want in a NASCAR game

NASCAR And iRacing have joined forces after over a year of legal issues between NASCAR and Motorsport Games, IRacing have acquired the license for an estimated amount of 6-million dollars. Motorsport Games, Inc. originally wanted around 60-100 million dollars for the exclusive license, But at the end of the saga, iRacing and NASCAR won. 

Besides that, what should you expect and what I would personally love in this upcoming project?

Team Owner Mode

Personally the ability to own and operate a racing team as a driver or a manager type mode, a feature that fans and gamers alike have been asking for in a NASCAR game like the F1 Manager Franchise but i’d have it so we could hire current drivers, sign developmental drivers, sponsors, alliances i would love that feature if that ever occurred

Online Leagues

Like in the EA Sports F1 Game Franchise, There is an online league mode that shows stats, points, schedule, and even has an AI race for you and the ability to join in late at any time, even the final lap!

Implementing Trading Paints 

One of the many features of IRacing and their partners at Trading Paints is that we can create schemes online and upload it to the site and be able to use the schemes in game even apply other creators schemes and suits, I’d love the ability to implement Trading Paints in a Gran Turismo way where you can search up decals schemes etc even use ur own schemes and downloaded schemes from iRacing.

Career Mode
One of the biggest factors of a NASCAR Game is career mode, besides the Team Owner Mode like stated before i would have it where you can work yourself up in Legends or Street Stocks, Get a ride in CARS Tour and make it up to ARCA (704 Games never had the rights to ARCA), then like the standard HEAT titles: Trucks, Xfinity, Cup also have drivers leave teams, swap rides, retire, etc.

Who Should Develop This Project
I have seen an argument online on who is developing the game on if Monster Games will develop the Game or will Orontes Games develop the game?

Personally, I would love to see the NASCAR portion of iRacing to work on the project and the source code. I would love to see a mix of NR2003 and iRacing as the base source code and use the primary iRacing Graphics Engine as the backer for this project which in my opinion would be the best decision for this game

A Simcade feature

For the younglings getting into NASCAR they want a game to easily settle into IRacing should have a feature that makes the cars feel more arcady than full base simulation physics what we are gonna get in NASCAR 25

But that’s all from me today, join the conversation down below!