Why I love NASCAR

Some people might love NASCAR and some people might hate NASCAR, but this is why I love NASCAR and what it means to me.

NASCAR has always been a part of my life. Some of my earliest memories were watching the race with my dad on Sundays or going to qualifying on Friday in Chicago and being chased out of qualifying by the rain. It was the Chicago Curse. NASCAR gave me a way to bond with my dad. It’s something he introduced me to and I am not sure how I will ever thank him because this sport has brought me some much joy, heartbreak and aniexty. When I got older my youngest sister started to get more into NASCAR. Even my nephew is getting more and more into NASCAR. So it’s a family sport now. The older I got the more I enjoyed NASCAR. 

I am now 27 years old and my love for NASCAR is greater than ever. I have finally found a community of people who I can talk about NASCAR with. I watch all the races, post on social media and even call my family from time to time to discuss the end of the different races. 

People might hate NASCAR but I think NASCAR is something that brings people together. NASCAR brings people a sense of community. A group of like minded people who have a passion for NASCAR. 

So thank you to everyone who fuels my passion for NASCAR. As the years go on, I hope the love for NASCAR grows.